The Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents [ALAS] is committed to providing a perspective to all aspiring school and district administrators including superintendents through programs, services, advocacy and networks rooted in Latino experiences and culture.
ALAS has nearly 8,000 members across 20 state affiliates with several more states soon to be a part of the ALAS Familia. Our Vision, Mission and Goals are to provide leadership at the national level that assures every school in America effectively serves the educational needs of all students with an emphasis on Latino youth through continuous professional learning, policy advocacy, and networking to share practices of promise for our students and the communities where we serve.
As with any career fair, it is an opportunity for job seekers to connect with prospective employers and other professionals. The ALAS National Career Fair is just that and more as it allows for a tight-knit community and family such as ALAS to share information about jobs and resources in a wide array of fields available to both members and non-members with the organization, resources that could connect you with your dream career! The ALAS Career Fair is a one day virtual fair hosted by vfair. This event will take place on January 28, 2023 and will run from 12:00 PM EST to 5:00 PM EST.